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Available in Person, by Zoom, Phone, Skype or Facetime



Astrology is based on the concept that the planetary configurations in the sky at the time of your birth influence who you are and how your life may unfold.  By providing a bigger picture, an Astrology reading will give you a deeper understanding of yourself and where you are in your journey.


You may have a particular issue you’d like to clarify, such as career, family and relationships, travel, spiritual direction or life purpose. Or are you just simply curious about how Astrology works?


Your Astrology reading can be general or focussed around your particular issues. You will gain a better understanding of your gifts, strengths, special abilities and talents and any challenges or blocks you want to overcome.


A look at your year ahead is included along with guidance on how to recognise the opportunities and deal with the challenges entering your life.


$220 for a 1.5hour reading

All sessions are recorded and include a printed report of your transits for the year ahead

Gift Vouchers available.


Do you have some knowledge of your birth chart or have you had a personal birth chart reading?


Would you like to know how to deal with a particular issue in your life which seems to be surfacing now?

Are you sensing the need for a change in your career, home or relationship? Not sure how best to handle it or when it might occur?

Do you have a sense of a repeat pattern occurring in your life i.e. “not this again...”?

Or maybe you would just like to know what’s coming up in the year ahead.


I work with the planetary cycles, transits and progressions to help you gain insight into why you are going through a difficult or productive time and how best to handle the current energies.


$180 for a 1 hour reading

Sessions are recorded and include a printed report of your transits for the year ahead.

Gift Vouchers available.



This is a combination of an Astrological birth chart reading plus a half hour Tarot reading.


$270 for a two hour reading

Gift Vouchers available.



Are you short of time, on a budget or maybe you just want a taste of what Astrology can offer you? These beautifully illustrated reports make wonderful gifts too. Choose between Personal Birth Chart, Twelve Month Forecast, Relationship compatibility or Children’s chart. Click here to find out more...

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